Monday, October 14, 2013

The Numbers Station (2013)

This movie was damn near perfect. Without going on too long about it, I'll try to say it all and keep it short. The shots/camera work, angles, theme, tone and acting was fantastic, I do think it had a hint of other Cusack movies like Room 1408, lil Raven.. I cant say for sure maybe - maybe not, but I thoroughly enjoyed every single bit about this movie. So cool to watch Cusack play the cia-hit-man. As always, his acting was fantastic and portrayed his characters struggle really well. The lead female could of been a tiny bit hotter, but she did good with what she had and played her role/character well.

This movie kept me engaged and entertained all the way through - nonstop goodness, even when it slows down to let you catch your breath. I think the actors/actresses did a mighty fine job. The movie wasn't too predictable and didn't go too far out there, It stayed in a very well rounded comfortable zone that landed it imo a 8/10 for a really good and solid flick.

Things I would of liked/changed: I might have increased rating if I got a few more minutes of that movie dedicated to an explanation of what number-stations are (I watched this at the perfect time, I have been studying number stations for a few weeks now and then bam, a movie came out about it. So I have about 20+hrs of reaserch and videos on NS than the everage person and the fact that I knew what NS are and the mysteries around them, made me want to watch this movie even more.) I imagine that the average Joe might go as far as to think NS aren't even a real thing the way the beginning was presented (cool intro/music video but during that time more infomation giving text and video can be played). If there were news/documentary clips of investigations on NS and such with short time or other info in more than one-liner Form,I think it'd make for an even greater hook. The movie would make a bigger impact as to how serious this spy stuff is, though watching Cusack work in the field, kinda made things pretty clear :)

It would be crazy cool to see an oldschool like 1960's agent taking on new orders from his radio and carry out an important task linked to US history (think Kennedy assassination type event) then hit with the "The NS are still in use 'today' (part) and start the movie. 

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