Let me start off by saying my opinion of this movie may be a little skewed. The reason being is that before going to the movies to see the movie, I did research on this movie extensively. Nothing but glowing reviews in and out, I mean come on 96 meta score rating, and not to mention 98% on rotten tomatoes. That is damn near a perfect movie in most peoples eyes. In saying all that when I arrived at the movies I expected to walk out and feel the same way, seeing one the best movies of not only this year but of all-time. Boy was I disappointed.
We can start with the good of the movie. The special effects on this movie were great, although we should expect that giving it took 4 years to make the film. Next the acting. Sandra Bullock gave a great performance giving the circumstances. I give her a 8 outta 10 just because as an audience they provided very little to none backdrop of her story except she was a Dr and she had 6 months of training yet she was the one chosen to do the job. (Kind of a big job to give somebody with very little experience). Clooney although not being in the film for all of 15-20 minutes had a good performance. Give him 7 out of 10. Would be higher if in the movie for a better portion. OK I'm done with the "pros" of the movie.
Now to the negatives. Weak plot and predictable. I don't want to walk in a movie already knowing how it will go and what is to come. Let me explain. You watch the preview and see that while being in space the ship they came on clashes with debris from a Russian craft. (That they blew up on person). With that being said, after seeing that you automatically can determine that the movie would just consist of bullock trying to fix the crafts and getting home with a few tough twists and turns because it would not be easy. Lastly the "believable" factor. Without going into gory detail because it's not worth it, bullock avoids the debris coming straight at her 3 different times with all the debris just flying right by her. Not buying it. We also have Clooney who at the beginning of the movie is just strolling along with his jet pack on his back having a good ole time wasting his thrusters for when they really needed them. Honestly your out in space wouldn't you save that just in case something were to happen??? Guess not. Not to mention she boarded 3 different shuttles pretty easily and used a fire extinguisher perfectly to navigate through space.
Now I know that I am being harsh and I blame it on myself because I went into the movie with to high of expectations and was flat out disappointed. It's comical to me how people rank this movie damn near perfect. That debris that was flying everywhere throughout the movie must of really came out the screen in 3-d and hit some people and brainwashed them. Point blank. Period.
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