Sunday, October 20, 2013

Movie 43 (2013)

I consider movies in two categories. You have the overall scale, which this movie would only get a four in, and then you have the entertainment scale, which I think would earn this flick a six. The difference is in the fact that this is not a typical film; it has a little story progression, though it is truly more a series of sketches. The humor is purposefully "crude" and it pushes at the viewer's tolerance for indecency. Such issues as the awkwardness of first dates, addressing peculiar desires in the bedroom, and boundaries of a company's take on the old "sex sells" motto and pet / owner relationships are about half of the topics addressed, all in a raunchy, offensively comedic manner. Certainly not everyone's cup of tea, I none-the-less found it funny, and though at the beginning I wanted to close my eyes from sheer embarrassment, I realized that my reaction was what the movie intended. Do not watch this film if your desire is to see a favorite actor or actress, as they are all absurdly out of their normal character, parodies really, but give it a chance if you've ever thought that an SNL skit was funny, or if you can laugh at an exploding colostomy bag. Just keep in mind that though the circumstances might be bizarre, every joke has a nugget of truth, and in order to enjoy this movie, one has to see the word "nugget", and think "poop", which should then inspire laughter. If it doesn't, this movie is probably not for you.

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