Thursday, October 30, 2014

Into the Storm (2014)

Very intriguing movie that I didn't know what to expect of when walking in. Was almost a mix between documentary and feature film. The graphics are incredible, the story is compelling, and very emotional. Will definitely be adding this one to my DVD purchase list. The direction is wonderful too- the camera angles, the pace of the film, as well as the acting. I had my jaw dropped at many points of this movie and there is some wonderful comic relief throughout. Definitely for fans of Twister and those who enjoy an action film packed with a storyline that is compelling emotionally. After leaving, I felt more aware of the recent natural disasters that have plagued the world- and almost feel it was a point for the filmmakers. This film puts you in a first-person perspective of what a storm of this nature is like, as well as the lives it affects. Anyone can see a news report and think how terrible it must be- but films like this really put it into a personal perspective.

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